I knew that communication involved much more than just talking, but I have never been asked to define it before. It is VERY difficult to sum up everything that communication involves.
We came to discover that EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION involves THREE THINGS: communication partner, joint attention/focus, and common language
Communication involves the elements listed above.
Click on the Wordle link to view more clearly.
Today, we looked a particular communication tool to help students who have difficulties conveying their message/ideas.
The APP Proloquo2Go is a wonderful AAC device for students who are non-verbal. It is very user-friendly has it has both picture and text support. We got to "play around" with the program for a little while and learned how to create individual symbols and selection sets. Below is a video on the basics of Proloquo2Go.
I am looking forward to learning more about this program as I can definitely see the advantages of such a tool in the classroom. As always, the disadvantages of something like this is MONEY! The program is $200 which may not be affordable for some families. In the long run, it is actually cheaper than alternative tools, but is still a substantial initial fee for some. Another disadvantage is seting up the program to be useful for a particular student. It would require a lot of TIME to ensure the necessary phrases, symbols, selection sets are available for the student. The preliminary set-up, once completed, would be well worth the effort!
Below is a video that looks at other types of communication APPS available -- most of which are FREE!
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